As leaves fall and the weather turns cooler, it’s important to keep a few safety tips in mind. With proper precautions and awareness, you and your family can enjoy the cooler weather without risk of damage to your home or property.
Use Candles with Caution
Candles create a cozy ambiance that fall weather often invites--especially when it is not quite cold enough for a bonfire. However, it is essential that you exercise proper precautions when burning candles. Keep children, pets, and loose papers out of reach of candles, and never leave candles burning in empty rooms. Be sure to blow out any lit candles before you go to sleep.
Change Smoke Detector Batteries
As the weather changes, change your smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries to make sure your family is safe. Be sure to test every detector on your property and make sure that your home is equipped with up-to-date fire extinguishers.
Service Your Furnace
Your heating system has been in hibernation mode all summer--often longer than summer in the hot southern climate. A check-up can keep your furnace healthy and help you avoid unpleasant surprises when temperature drops. Even worse, a furnace in need of repair risk of fire.
Routine service maximizes the life of your furnace, ensures your safety, and can lower your power bill . GRAP specialists are fully certified in heating system service and repair.
Follow Fire Safety Rules
Outdoor fires are a great way to enjoy cooler temperatures with loved ones. Be mindful of where, when, and what you burn. Burning leaves can easily be blown by the slightest breeze and pose a risk of fire--consider using charcoal and heavier wood instead. If you choose to burn leaves to clean up your yard, be sure to call the local fire department to ensure that you follow all regulations.
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