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Fire damage is devastating. Even though fire is something all around us abstractly, having a fire strike in your own home can be overwhelming. In the midst of personal loss, you are left with figuring out how to repair your home. Here are a few questions to ask any potential vendors:
When you are dealing with fire restoration, it is very important to make sure that the vendor you choose is highly certified. You want to hear any potential vendor say they are certified by the IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning Restoration Certification). Don’t be afraid to ask about the accreditations and licences held by a potential vendor--you want the very best for your home!
GRAP holds certifications by the IICR and the National Home Builders Association. If you’d like more information on what these certifications mean--or would like details on accreditations and awards, please ask. We’re very proud of our work and would love to share details with you.
As leaves fall and the weather turns cooler, it’s important to keep a few safety tips in mind. With proper precautions and awareness, you and your family can enjoy the cooler weather without risk of damage to your home or property.
Candles create a cozy ambiance that fall weather often invites--especially when it is not quite cold enough for a bonfire. However, it is essential that you exercise proper precautions when burning candles. Keep children, pets, and loose papers out of reach of candles, and never leave candles burning in empty rooms. Be sure to blow out any lit candles before you go to sleep.
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Site developed by Kristen Stevens.
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